Help us build an ecological house by sharing your opinions and receive a reward

Released on = March 8, 2007, 5:02 am

Press Release Author = Petr Kratochvil

Industry = Environment

Press Release Summary = We are raising money to build an ecological house and to
support 40 of you in going green. Thanks to our donors and your opinions we will
make our planet cleaner.

Press Release Body = An exciting new website for people with genuine concern for the
environment recently embarked on its noble mission to make a difference in this
world., a site where people who care for the planet's welfare
can converge to share their opinions and express their concerns to the alarmingly
swift degradation of the environment, also strives to help people take concrete
steps towards making this world a better place. The first of these steps is raising
enough money to build an ecological house whose completion may be regularly
monitored on the homepage. Aside from the ecological house, the website also strives
to support 40 forum members in their quest for green living through donations of
$19,000 (Ł10,000, EUR 14,000).

The website sponsors an eco forum for people to discuss different topics on helping
our environment. The eco forum features several topics such as renewable energy,
ecological living, food and transport to help forum users express their thoughts and
feelings as well as share tips and knowledge on the mentioned topics.

Under renewable energy, users can discuss three major topics, namely solar energy,
wind energy and other renewable sources like thermal, tidal, wave, and hydro. Users
can talk about their own experiences on the use of these inexhaustible sources of
energy or based on what they have learned from the news, books or other media.
They can discuss the pros and cons of each of these energy sources and even mention
special offers to help more people start their own environment-friendly lifestyles
through use of renewable energy sources.

Ecological living covers news, tips, and ecological houses. In this category, forum
users can share tips and advice on how to live comfortably while reducing the impact
on the environment. New discoveries as well as local news and events can be
discussed as well. Furthermore, since the site intends to spread the word on living
in ecological houses, it also caters to people who are already residing in
ecological houses to share their experiences. Those who would like to live in their
own green life in environment-friendly houses can post their inquiries here as well.

One of the main worries today is the food we eat. The presence of a great number of
chemicals and carcinogens in the air, soil and water prompts many to adopt an
organic diet. The website sets aside a category in the forum just for the
discussion of organic food. Another topic on the other side of the spectrum is on
genetically-modified food - the pros and cons as well as personal experiences and

Since many of our environmental issues especially with regards to air pollution and
global warming stem from our excessive use of fossil fuels for transport, forum
users are also encouraged to talk about hybrid cars, green cars as well as other
forms of transport and other solutions. is a new project of Petr Kratochvil and Vera Volsanska
who both share the same concerns for the environment. In their website, they
express their strong opinions regarding the use of fossil fuels, its impact on
ecological systems and its general contribution environmental degradation.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Bobek Ltd
5 Franklin Mount
PO Box 589
United Kingdom

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